Shipping Policy
U.S. Orders
Orders will ship from our warehouse in New Jersey within 1-2 business days. When your order ships, you will receive an email with your tracking information. First Class shipping usually arrives 5-7 business days after leaving the warehouse, depending on recipient’s location. Priority shipping usually arrives 2-3 business days after leaving the warehouse, depending on recipient’s location. If you do not receive your order within the specified timeframe, please contact customer service at
Canadian Orders
USPS charges an outrageous amount to ship to Canada, so we need to charge $10 shipping per order. We're sorry we can't make it lower - it actually costs between $13 and $19 in postage alone. Orders to Canada will ship from our warehouse within 1-2 business days. First Class shipping time in transit varies.
International Orders
We've limited our international shipping to the few countries that have been able to reliably deliver within a 2-3 week timeframe. We charge a flat rate of $15 which is less than what it costs us to ship the product. Orders will be shipped by USPS within 2-3 business days, but can take up to 20 days to arrive. If you have special shipping needs to a country that is not listed in our checkout, please contact us directly at and we can give you an exact cost to ship DHL Express. Please note we do not have control over shipments once they leave the United States.